Sunday, February 10, 2019
Post Traumatic Stress Disorder as a Metaphor in Mrs. Dalloway, By Virgi
When WWI was over, many deal questioned the brutality that carried on over the intravenous feeding years that the war was happening. The Europeans trust in authority and in their region began to collapse, and Modernism was a way they could respond to the damage of those beliefs. It was obvious that the aged world was gone and a unsanded one had started to arise. In this new world, while other aspects of Europe were advancing, improvement in the psychiatric messling of noetic conditions, for example shell-shock, fell short. Most of British society remained unconscious and uninterested in the problems that these illnesses forced on the old-timers. This insensitive placement toward the soldiers exalt Virginia Woolf to write Mrs. Dalloway. In this novel she shows us societys attitude towards mental illness by featuring a post war veteran named Septimus Smith. The author uses Septimuss struggles with post traumatic stress disorder as a symbol to illustrate the problems of a mod ern society that doesnt understand how deeply the damage of World War One has alter people.An example of the difference between Septimus and the modern world as a whole is when the airplane flies above the people in the metropolis as it spells away the word toffee. Most of the people watching were astounded by this new technology. Glaxo, said Mrs. Coates in a strained, awestricken phonateKreemo, murmured Mrs. Bletchley, like a sleepwalkeras they looked the whole world because short still(and the car went in the gates and nobody looked at it) (20-21). The people were so enthralled with the plane they didnt even care most the royal car coming in to the palace. Septimus on the other hand is completely lost in his own thoughts and interprets the plane differently. So, t... ...g to grasp the authenticity and severity of the disease. From this unfortunate reality emerged a Modernist novel in which Virginia Woolf sets out to juxtapose the sane and the insane in an attempt to expres s her freak of societys lack of sympathy and blindness towards those who suffer with mental illness. Work CitedBerman, Jeffrey. Surviving Literary Suicide. Amherst University of Massachusetts, 1999. Print. Korte, Barbara, and Ralf Schneider. War and the Cultural Construction of Identities in Britain. Amsterdam Rodopi, 2002. Print. Levenback, Karen L. Virginia Woolf and the Great War. Syracuse, NY Syracuse UP, 1999. Print. Ronchetti, Ann. The Artist, Society, and Sexuality in Virginia Woolfs Novels. New York Routledge, 2004. Print. Woolf, Virginia. Mrs. Dalloway. San Diego Harcourt bridge Jovanovich, 1981. Print.
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