
Thursday, February 14, 2019

Vitamins Essay -- Health Nutrition Papers

VitaminsWhat Are Vitamins? Vitamins argon a group of organic food substances or nutrients found only in living things, plants and animals. They are unavoidable to maintain normal ashes functions. The dead body cannot synthesize its own vitamins so we must get our vitamins from the foods we eat, or from dietary supplements. Vitamins are essential for metabolism, growth, and physical well-being. Why Do We withdraw Vitamins? To put it plainly, if we did not consume adequate amounts of vitamins our bodies would not be open to function properly. Vitamins are essential to so many processes within the body that it would be very difficult for me to tell you all of the things vitamins are needed for. The fundamentals of cells depend greatly upon vitamins. Vitamins are responsible for keeping cells strong, fecundation tissues, engagement infections, etc. Without vitamins our cells would not function properly and thus our variety meat would suffer and eventually we would no longer be a ble to survive. Vitamins care regulate metabolism, help convert fat and carbohydrates into energy, and assist in forming pearl and tissue. Vitamin A works in our immunological systems strengthening membranes thus fighting infections, it works in our eyes aiding vision, it helps our ears by treating otosclerosis, it helps jawbone and tooth formation, healthy babble membranes and gums, keeps our skin clear and keeps our reproductive systems healthy including fertility and sperm production. The vitamin B complex is probably one of the most essential groups of vitamins to our health. There are twelve B vitamins B1, B2, B3, B5, B6, B12, biotin, pantothenic acid, choline, folic acid, inositol, and PABA. These vitamins together are responsible for helping enzymes releas... ...tlesey, MJ Deschenes, MR. dietetic supplements and improved anaerobic exercise. International Journal of Sports Nutrition. 4(4)387-97, 1994 Dec. Mills, JL and Conley, MR. Periconceptual vitamin supplementation to forestall neural tube defects how can we do it?. European Journal of Obstetrics, Gynecology, and generative Biology. 61(1)49-55, 1995 Jul. Null, Gary. The Complete Guide to Health and Nutrition. Dell Publishing. New York, New York. 1984. Oakley, GP Jr. Adams, MJ Dickinson, CM. More folic acid for everyone, now. Journal of Nutrition. 126(3)751s-755s, 1996 Mar. Seymour, J. Nutrition vitamins and supplements. nursing Times. 91(17)48-50, 1995 Apr 26- May 2. Steen, SN Mayer, K Brownell, KD Wadden, TA. Dietary intake of female collegial heavyweight rowers. International Journal of Sports Nutrition. 5(3)225-31, 1995 Sep.

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